Sorbus domestica. This is a grafted true service tree of a very special variety called "Christophs Apfel". The reason this variety is very special, is because it flowers and fruits at a really young age. A friend of mine grafted this tree last winter and it flowered and made fruit. To graft a tree and then have it flower and set fruit straight away is very unusual. This variety is known to flower and fruit very quickly at a young age. To me this is exciting because i planted about 20 sorbus domestica trees on my land, the oldest one was moved from our old property, and having lived here for 5 years, i am still waiting for my trees to flower. Since this young tree flowered last year it should flower again this year, all going well. I will post pictures if it happens.
Avocado. My mexicola avocado is looking so bad now that i am starting to doubt whether it will grow back. It could always in theory sprout back up from the roots though and that's what i am kind of hoping for. If that happens i will probably cut everything off except the new shoot. I have a second smaller plant outside that looks in much better shape. It is a fantastic seedling so that might be why. To me, which might make some people laugh, it looks really good right now compared to the mexicola. fantastic seedling that up to now survived the winter quite well. Notice the green petioles of the brown leaves. This tree if no further catastrophe happens will surely grow again. And now here comes the mexicola: this is not looking good... It will be interesting to see if it grows back from anywhere above ground, from the roots or not at all.
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