Ransoms (allium ursinum) Wild garlic or ransoms is a great plant that i would encourage anyone who has a bit of land to grow on their property. Once established all you have to do is to come by in march/april and harvest the leaves that are tasty and healthy. Youy can eat them raw in salads, cook nice meals with and make delicious pesto. You chop the leaves really fine add some salt and roasted sesame, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts or pine nuts and olive oil to cover. Press the mixture down in the sterilised jar to get all the air bubbles out and make sure to have it sitting in and "under" the oil so nothing will rot. Then 3 weeks later and for up to a year or more you just cook pasta and eat it with the pesto. Delicious and healthy!
Breton ramsons. I already ate a lot of the leaves.
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