Monkey puzzle
Last year many monkey puzzle trees (araucaria araucana) around here made good nuts and for the first time i tried them. Raw they are ok, but not great like a raw sweet chestnut. Lightly roasted they are delicious. Roasted too much they turn hard and are less good.
So i went and collected nuts under all the trees i could find and kept the biggest for sowing.
I was surprised that they grow very easily if you don't let them dry out they germinate and grow quite well in poor soil.
The seeds germinated very well and now i have quite a lot of young baby trees.
One thing i love about them is that they don't need fencing.
I heard that goats will eat them but my local wild life doesn't touch them.
I will probably plant them all out amongst my larger ones.
Lots of tasty nuts sometime in the future.
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